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Steps to a Fit & Healthy you


This is Fouzia and today I am about to give you a few tips to get fit and healthy. I know you must have encountered many posts and blogs about fitness and losing weight. I am not going to sing the same song to you, rather I'll give you an outline on how you can make your own workouts.

If you have tried working out before, you'd know that doing the same exercise everyday is almost as boring as those tasteless salads. I'm here to tell you how you can make it interesting and fun. I personally am overweight and have ventured into many workout schemes. So here are a few tips to get you to understand your body and push it to burn those extra calories...

Step 1: WARM UP!

If you want to burn fat, you have got to warm up. It helps your body get ready for the exercises you are about to put yourself through. Essentially warming up and cooling down are about the same things. You need to stretch your muscles, that is every inch of your body. You may not feel the stretch, so DO NOT OVERDO.

Step 2: CARDIO...

This is sort of a given. Cardio exercises will definitely help you lose weight. How? So your body is ready to burn fat, but it isn't gonna burn any fat while you do your 30 minute cardio session on a treadmill or Cross fit. It takes a little more time than that. Just a little more and you will be in your fat burning zone.

But running on the treadmill or down the street or jogging into the sunrise will become monotonous soon. I suggest you wander a little bit. Try different styles every other day. Do a little aerobic dance, Zumba a bit, Cardio Kick Boxing is one thing I found effective (also because I pictured kicking butts of people I hated) and maybe try a little yoga someday.


Yes, stretch again. And this time you will feel it. Your stretches must be for short durations. This is because you must not wear out any of your muscles. Just when it starts to hurt, stop. Total body stretches are best accomplished by yoga postures. Go ahead and let your sweat drip.

Trying different genres of workout will most definitely make your body more flexible, durable and will increase your stamina. I think this adds up to healthy lifestyle. You must enjoy your workouts and not rage over your weight. It is of no good. A positive mind set is the only tool for long term results. When you have a negative motivation that drives you, you may push yourself harder, yes but it is also the last thing you want to do. It will vanish really quick and that will put you back to square one. So have a positive goal, not in terms of numbers on the scale, but in terms of feelings. At the end of the workout you must be feeling happy and proud of yourself and this will bring you back to the gym the next day.

So I wish you a happy and healthy lifestyle... Don't measure your fitness, feel it! Ciao!!!

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